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Liability Disclaimer

Taxes • Accounting • Advisory • Assurance

Liability Disclaimer

The following terms of use should not be interpreted as a lack of confidence in the information that we have provided on our website to include the Business Tips pages:


The user(s) of this website assume full responsibility for the self-derived results from reliance thereon and may apply and/or rely on the information contained in the website at their discretion and at their own risk.

We provide the best available information. Based on the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of information contained in our website or information otherwise provided, our advice or answers, in certain circumstances, may or may not be relevant, accurate, or timely. Carroll D. Stanley, C.P.A. and any associates, employees, or contracted third-party does not warranty, guarantee, or in any way, implicitly or explicitly, represent that the application or the reliance thereon of our information by the viewer, recipient, third party, or other intended recipient will yield the desired results. We expressly do not warranty or guarantee the work of others (i.e. – other accountants, tax preparers, or other tax or accounting professionals) to include the interpretation, application, or reliance thereon of our responses to general inquiries by e-mail, fax, telephone, or any other medium.